He Puāwai

Grants will be available for projects that bring about extensive change resulting in inter-generational impact. Projects will need to demonstrate how they see this change being delivered by providing evidence of the existing delivery through established programmes, future models of delivery and an established evaluation framework. Trustees will be looking at where partnerships and collaborations already exist and how these can be expanded. We will be looking for organisations that have a strong track record of engaging in learning and evaluation with a well- developed approach to ensuring continuous improvement and effectiveness or a willingness to develop and engage.

Trustees are also interested in what the plan is for future financial sustainability and possible changes that could last beyond the scope of funding for this funded project. Programmes and services that deliver sustainable change and focus on innovative strengths-based initiatives will be a priority under He Puāwai. 

You may also have previously received a grant previously from the Trust under He Kākano or He Tupu. The Trust may also consider multi-year grants.

Funding for capability building could be available under He Puāwai as part of grant.

How do I apply?

Requests for He Puāwai are through an expression of interest or letter of intent to the Community Trust team. You will also be asked to provide further information on how an application aligns with the criteria for He Puāwai.

How are decisions made?

The expression of interest will be considered by Trustees at any one of their twice-yearly meetings. Trustees will decide if further information is required for an application. Once this information is received the application will be considered for funding.

How will my application be assessed?

The initial expression of interest and application will be considered in a similar way to requests to He Kākano and He Tupu. We will assess to see if the application aligns with the outcomes and priorities that the Trust is wanting to support. We will then assess to see how the application aligns with He Puāwai and for evidence to demonstrate this alignment.

What else do I need to know?

  1. Terms and Conditions: The Trust has Terms and Conditions that must be accepted by all organisations that are approved to receive grants. A copy of the Terms and Conditions are on our website, as well as attached to the application form. We will ask that a member of your organisation accepts these. By making an application for funding under He Puāwai, your organisation is accepting these Terms and Conditions.
  2. Payment of the grant: If your application is successful, the grant will be paid to the account of your organisation. We will need evidence of the bank account details with a bank deposit slip.
  3. Reporting back: We will ask you to provide us with a report once the funds have been spent or the project has been completed.

All applications will be discussed at Trustee meetings of the Trust.

If you believe that you have a project that aligns with our funding outcomes and priorities and could be considered by the Trust, please get in touch with the team through email at  enquiries@skycitycommunitytrust.org.nz.